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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

♥ Bored - At Work

I'm at work and I'm bored out of my mind!!! Stupid company doesn't allow us to look at any good websites like craigslist.com or ebay or any site that I like to SHOP at. LoL, I know, I should be working, but seriously I just don't want to!!!

So I figured instead I would update my blog, although I don't think anyone really reads it. That is ok though, sometimes it is just nice to get things out and not worry about what any one else is gonna think bout it.

Christmas has come and gone and things went fairly well. I never imagined it would be that much work cooking for my family. Ha, my Mom has always done it or we have always gone to someone elses house, but it was fun. I enjoyed having everyone over for the holidays. We had Justin's family and my family so it was a full house. I loved that we all got along and everyone was smiling and happy. Except they didn't realize that I live in BFE, which I think each and everyone of them complained about as they walked through our front door. Personally I think they all live in BFE and I live in the center of the universe :-D Ok so not really, it is pretty far, but I like it! SO anyways I totally got off topic there. Christmas was good!!!

I got a new doggie about a month ago, her name is Bailey and we think she is a mix between a border collie and some kind of terrier. She is so freaking cute and loveable!!! Its great!! Her and Morgan get along great, they love to play tug a war and wrestle around. Its funny though cause even though Bailey weighs about 15-20lbs and Morgan is about 4 times her size, she still puts up a good fight and gives him a run for his money. I love when she wakes up in the morning cause it is almost like she sings to us. When she yawns, she kind of makes this noise that is between a howl and a humm and it is soooooooo funny!! She's a drama queen :-)

Justin and I are both in school now. I am so pround of him for sticking it out and actually following through with our plans for him to go to school. It was very hard motivating him and convincing him to get to this point, but we are here now and I think he is proud too! He's taking an EMT course that will prepare him to try out for Firefighting. Hopefully it all works out because it turns out firefighting is just as hard to get into as nursing. Boy o boy did we pick the right fields to work in!! I think he will be ok though because one of his good friends works for the fire dept. and if there is one thing I have learned in this town is that it is all about WHO you know, not WHAT you know. I am still trying to get into nursing school, which is turning out to be more of a battle than I thought it would be. I've applied to Banner's program twice and got rejected twice. I guess I just don't have what they are looking for, but I'm still trying. I'm going to volunteer at Banner's hospital, not sure what I'll be doing yet, but either way hopefully it gets me in the door and into their program! Otherwise I am still on the waiting list for Maricopa's community colleges and I will be applying to ASU sometime in the next few months. I am thinking at the VERY latest I will be beginning Nursing school in the Spring of 09. But I am hoping to start in the Fall this year. Keep your fingers crossed for me!!!

So I guess all-n-all everything seems to be going pretty good in life. I can't really complain! I hope things continue to go up for us!!!

~Peace out~

♥ Always Kiss Me Goodnight
12:01 PM
0 commented

Friday, December 21, 2007

♥ It's Friday!!

Thank Goodness it is Friday!! It has been a very long week for me and now I have the next week and a half off!!! The greatest part is that I am getting paid for it! Yay!

So Christmas is almost here and both Justin's and mines families are coming over to celebrate. Should be very interesting as I have never in my life cooked a meal for twenty people. Sometimes I find it hard to cook for just Justin and myself! But I think I will be ok, I have a 23 pound turkey and a 22 pound ham, so there will be plenty of meat if all else fails! I don't think it will too hard, but everyone keeps telling me that I'm going to be stressed out and a nervous wreck. Hmm, I'm gonna keep my hopes up and pray that they are wrong :-)

Justin's family is in town and I really hope all goes well. We have had our ups and downs and when we have our downs, it is not pretty! It's only one week, I can handle it!!! (I hope)


♥ Always Kiss Me Goodnight
7:27 AM
0 commented

♥ I've Always Loved the Color Green!


You are a very calm and contemplative person. Others are drawn to your peaceful, nurturing nature.

Find out your color at QuizMeme.com!

♥ Always Kiss Me Goodnight
7:26 AM
0 commented

♥ Happily in Love

    Love and life and lessons learned
    Years gone by and feelings that burned
    The balance of hurt and joy and love and hate
    Being hopeful and scared and curious of my future fate
    Enjoying the time I have here everyday, feeling free
    Feeling happy and loving myself and those around me
    Waiting in anticipation for the future, for what good things lay ahead in my life
    Letting go of my past, my trial and error, my lessons, all of my painful strife
    Learning about myself every day with every new thing that comes my way
    Discovering who I am and what I feel inside, whats in my mind
    Complete happiness, love and gratitude for life is what you will find

♥ Love

♥ Laugh

♥ Believe